
the nameless city

The Nameless City is a mysterious, sometimes malevolent, always changing community full of untold wonders and horrors. Its different districts embody a variety of auras, so there's something for everyone. All beings are welcome, with their delicious array of appetites.

You may happen upon a portal that leads you to the Nameless City. You may be pushed through the fabric of your own universe - from literally any time, and any place - and into ours. Once you're in the Nameless City, you will not be able to leave. Enter our community as an already-established character, or as a fresh addition who must stumble through the city in search of meaning and purpose. Whatever sparks your creativity.

Be sure to check our city map for detailed information on each district. Due to the eldritch energy that created the city, flora and fauna alike will reveal new secrets as time goes on, and newcomers must earn their trust. Be prepared for mysteries.

So how old is the city anyway?

Unknown. While some people were born in the city, the vast majority arrive at some point in their lives from some other location. Because some are born here, we can safely intuit that the city is at least 30 years old, but it seems to be very difficult to find individuals from that time… and those who can be found have memory gaps. The vast majority of the population has arrived in the last 12 years.

Anyone who has arrived in the past decade will not have memory gap issues.

NOTE: It isn’t 2024 in TNC, but we’re using standard date conventions here so that you can do the math, and have your OCs say “this occurred # months ago.”



Timeline key

City Official:

Faction Offical:

Glitch Official:

Change Official:

City Event:

Weather Event:

Faction Event:

Major Event:

Below you can navigate the lore by clicking the part of the timeline that is relevant to your character or queries.


The Nameless City is established.


The Painted Dogs are established under the leadership of Lockjaw.


Ethan Kindle arrives in The Nameless City and is tasked with reducing the quantity of unpredictable chaos in town, and to increase stability of the environment. Any citizens who have been in TNC longer than 12 years will remember the time prior to this as being significantly more chaotic and violent.


Citywide welcome party for Ethan Kindle, including a parade and a personal tour of every district.


Hollow Heights and Gemsbok Glade are isolated from the rest of the City, presumed to be lost forever.


Black Tower Enterprises opens its doors. Read more about all facets of the Black Tower here. The building that the Black Tower company occupies (the black tower itself) is far older than the company.


The Stock Market is formed.


The Black Tower hosts a weeklong festival to celebrate cooperation

among the districts.


Gravity fails for several weeks. A Ceremony of Weights is held to restore equilibrium across the City.


Fea Sáile is publicly named the Councilmember of Borough Park.

May 2021

Autumn Prairie is publicly named the Councilmember of Red Hook.

July 2021

The Theatre District hosts a celebration of musical stylings from across the multiverse — residents from all districts are invited to share instruments

and their culture.

august 2021

The Department of Resident Services formally opens in an effort to provide free housing, food, job placement, education, and other resources to help newly arrived residents successfully transition into their lives in the city.

September 2021

A supernatural freeze covers the city, making the outdoors deadly to exist in for a week. The Great Freeze is referred to by some of our older OCs.

October 2021

Harvest festivities span the entire city, including a masquerade ball, banishing of the gloom, feasts, bonfires, and other costumed festivities.

November 2021

The Whereport appears at the farthest end of Borough Park.

December 2021

Overnight, the northern boundary of the Theatre District disappears — to expose a narrow river, and a new district beyond. Hollow Heights is populated, but has existed in isolation until now. Its sister district, Gemsbok Glade, remains in isolation.

Timeline key

City Official:

Faction Offical:

Glitch Official:

Change Official:

City Event:

Weather Event:

Faction Event:

Major Event:

January 2022

La Fête à L'Ombre takes place, a formal gathering of criminal minds. Leaders of criminal factions and potential individuals-for-hire network at the

Black Tower’s Westwood Lounge

February 2022

Charming the Plow, a celebration of new beginnings, occurs in Red Hook. This feast (and orgy!) anticipates a fruitful spring planting season. Afterward, a mysterious pheromone sweeps the

city, inciting residents to act on

their basest instincts.

FEbruary 2022

Ethan Kindle instigates the creation of the Black Dolls with its founder, Krasota Medvyedev.

April 2022

Hilni Songscale is publicly named the Councilmember of City Centre.

April 2022

A Night Market set up in the Theatre District allows vendors and other tradespeople to network and

find new customers.

May 2022

Faedove Ravengrove is publicly named the Councilmember of the Theatre District.

May 2022

The Fight Ring is absorbed by the Black Dolls and provides financial backing for it to continue operating “independently.”

July 2022

A Midsummer Masquerade is held at Aguil Beach, at night. Bonfires, shadows, and magical gold paint mark

the evening.

July 2022

Leisureland awakens — monstrous beasts of all kinds begin showing up in and around the abandoned theme park, enticing intrepid hunters.

August 2022

A barbecue and mudwrestling event is held off the beaches of Leisureland, hosted by the Fight Ring.

August 2022

An Abyssal Sunrise haunts the city: for a few days, the sun simply does not appear, and a haunting red light illuminates the city. Creatures affected by light/dark are at its mercy.

September 2022

A mysterious portal opens in the Floating Shelf, sparking rumors that escape from the city may be possible. Expeditions to explore the other side of the portal commence.

October 2022

A bonfire festival celebrates a successful harvest and the coming cold weather. Unexpectedly, the expedition returns in the middle of the festivities.

december 2022

A peaceful winter event in Tatara Greenway goes awry as horrific ghasts prey on the minds of anyone who strays from the merry, well-lit path. Shoshana Barber almost dies; several residents are shown their worst fears.

december 2022

A gigantic cat appears in City Centre and plays a game of mouse with several residents of the city.

Timeline key

City Official:

Faction Offical:

Glitch Official:

Change Official:

City Event:

Weather Event:

Faction Event:

Major Event:

january 2023

Gilt Ophidian, the Painted Dogs, and the Fight Ring gather together to create a formal criminal alliance. Bonds are forged among the affiliations to ensure future collaboration.

January 2023

The second expedition through the mysterious Rift in Hollow Heights begins. This mission hopes to further explore what expeditioners call The Glitch,” and recover members who were left behind during the first trip.

January 2023

Wireless communication is established with the Glitch.

January 2023

The Black Dolls are formally renamed Gilt Ophidian. Their former leader, Krasota, is supplanted by Manon.

February 2023

Charming the Plow, a celebration of new beginnings, occurs in Red Hook. For the second year in a row, this

feast and bacchanal anticipates

a fruitful spring season.

February 2023

The first refugees from The Glitch arrive in the Nameless City, having escaped the environment with the second expedition.

May 2023

The third expedition begins early, going as an emergency management support team due to a violent, sentient storm that all but destroyed the town in the Glitch.

June 2023

An unexpected, violent shamal blows through the city. Residents are forced to shelter in place and work together to rescue strangers in the midst of these dangerous sands.

June 2023

During the shamal, a new district appears beyond the cañón that scales the eastern border of Hollow Heights. This district is known as Gemsbok Glade.

June 2023

The expedition returns from the Glitch.

August 2023

In an effort to encourage tourism and exploration of Gemsbok, the City sponsors a summer party at

Oasis Resort.

July 2023

Seekers of Truth is established under the supervision of Savien De Le Roche.

August 2023

After a particularly heavy thunderstorm with almost sentient lightning, TNC residents Monty, Syn, and Nora all find the hole in the shelf is now an impenetrable cylinder of glass. The glow from the Glitch rift can be seen on the other side.

September 2023

Several weeks after lights through the glass wall are reported, they go dark — the Rift which allowed access to the Glitch is now gone.

September 2023

The Silver Circle is established, under the supervision of Galatea Dalael.

September 2023

The Painted Dogs open a new rift after the old one disappears.

September 2023


September 2023

The final expedition embarks.

September 2023

For the first time in 13 years, Ethan Kindle leaves the Nameless City. During his visit to the Glitch, no sentient individuals are able to die.

October 2023

Autumn Prairie’s Harvest Festival celebrates its third year running.

October 2023

Wistari Grippe is publicly named the Councilmember of the Slaughterhouse District.

November 2023

A fixed interdimensional road is anchored between the Glitch and TNC, which will make travel between the spaces much easier in the future.

November 2023

The final expedition returns to the city.

december 2023

The peaceful farolito walk

goes awry for the second year in

a row — multiple residents are

attacked in LaValle Port.

december 2023

Cypress and Autumn host Snowshine,

a new year celebration.

Timeline key

City Official:

Faction Offical:

Glitch Official:

Change Official:

City Event:

Weather Event:

Faction Event:

Major Event:

January 2024

Vail appears at Snowshine and attempts to confront Autumn; she

uses her powers to force him out.

February 2024

Charming the Plow occurs in Red Hook. For the third year in a row, this feast and bacchanal anticipates a fruitful spring season. Vail attacks Autumn Prairie at the celebration.


The first non-Annihilation cargo vehicle brings supplies to the Glitch.

February 2024

Councilor Autumn Prairie goes missing and is assumed dead.

February 2024

Vail, Grisha, and Al’Zahǂim attack Autumn, ascend to power,

and wreak havoc in the city.

February 2024

The villainous trio takes Red Hook. Vail makes a public address on the shift

in power and Autumn Prairie’s death.

February 2024

The Painted Dogs evacuate Nameless City civilians to the Glitch.

February 2024

Several factions — including Seekers of Truth and members of the Painted

Dogs — organize search parties to

look for the missing councilmember.

MArch 2024

Ballard Institute is attacked and damaged by Al’Zahǂim's sand soldiers. As a result, Fea floods Borough Park.

MArch 2024

Borough Park becomes a canal district, surrounded by water.

March 2024

The Seeds of Rebellion is borne from the new regime in the form of guerilla warfare, peaceful artistic protest, cultural celebrations, and the creation

of a pirate radio station.

March 2024

Red Hook and City Centre experience significant structural damage.

March 2024

Subira finds a large patch of growth in the Bone Fields where Autumn was destroyed. This is called the Life Spill.

MARCH 2024

Royale Tours scouts the Glitch.

March 2024

Environmental and psychological plagues sweep the City. These effects are generated from an unknown source.

March 2024

Syn locates Ambrose Island, which hosts a cave that judges the worthiness of all who attempt to enter the Catacombs from this location

March 2024

Grisha causes a tsunami, which floods Lavalle Port, killing thousands and destroying the port. Later, the Obscured City is flooded.

MARCH 2024

The Obscured City becomes a lake.

March 2024

A group of humans venture into the Catacombs to find Autumn and bring her back to the surface.

March 2024

Vail is attacked by a large group of resistance fighters from the Seeds of Rebellion who have developed biochemical weapons to defeat it.

March 2024

Ethan Kindle banishes and/or punishes Vail, Grisha, and Al’Zahǂim, stripping them of their power.

APRIL 2024

Civilians are ferried back from the Glitch.

April 2024

Autumn Prairie resigns as Councilmember of Red Hook, which then becomes the first citizen-governed district in the City.

April 2024

The Painted Dogs set up relief efforts in LaValle Port.