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The Black Tower Corporation

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Black Tower

employment Opportunities

Manufactured Goods

While the city lacks natural resources, it makes up for in magical and other supernatural manufacturing. TNC might not have enough trees to create paper the old fashioned way, but books can be created using magic and OC abilities. BTC is constantly looking for unusual or specialized "makers" to help keep the city moving.

Research and Development

A large portion of the BTC is dedicated to trying to match/marry unusual technologies from the multiverse. This includes making sure that cell phones and the internet works, figuring out how to make vehicles "go" without fuel, and other crucial problem-solving for the other departments.


Whether it's repairing infrastructure, building housing for the Department of Resident Services, or creating new public works (hospitals, schools, etc), there's plenty that needs building in TNC.

Waste Management

There are no landfills or dumps in TNC - trash and materials are recycled through magical and mundane means! Some characters have physiology that can inherently process materials; others are just particularly gifted at reshaping and reusing raw goods. Help keep the city sustainable!

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The Department of Resettlement Services

Department of Resettlement services

employment Opportunities


The front line of Resettlement Services: the Greeters inform newcomers exactly what resources are available to them. Friendly, knowledgeable, service-oriented, and ready to deal with someone on what might be the worst day of their life. You’re the first impression a lot of folks get of the Black Tower — please make sure it’s a good one!


Once a resident’s needs have been assessed by the Greeters, the Resettlers help make things happen. They’re the person who will make sure the house you want actually fits your species-specific needs, or gets you signed up and escorted to literacy classes at Ballard. These employees should have a driven, go-above-and-beyond mentality.

Infrastructure Adaptation

It’s not just people who get sucked into TNC — sometimes it’s buildings! These employees scout out buildings, new or old, to understand how they might best be repurposed for DRS use. This could mean turning non-residential buildings into housing, or mapping/investigating newly arrived infrastructure.

Community Engagement

Because people arrive at all parts of the city, they may not find out about Resettlement Services resources without help. Community Engagement workers go out into the districts to look for newcomers who are in need of assistance. Employees should be encouraging but not too pushy — we don’t want to scare anyone away!

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Black Tower Corporation

In Partnership With:

the city council